IDA CGC Loader Module
Loader Source (08 Dec 2014):
Loader binaries only (current build with CGC release sources 08 Dec 2014):
Change log:
- 05 Dec 2014
- Better handling of data offsets
- Fixed bug that created oversize sections
- 01 Nov 2014
- Correctly set inf.beginEA to address of _start (program entry point)
Choose your Platform and IDA version, then copy into <IDADIR>/loaders where <IDADIR> is your Ida install location.
Note: The term "Platform" is used loosely here and really means the 32 or 64-bit version of IDA and not the 32 or 64-bit versions of your operating system.
IDA CGC Type Library (til) Module
Type libraries for CGC header data types
Choose your IDA version, then copy into <IDADIR>/til where <IDADIR> is your Ida install location.